How do I create an audio fade?

There are a number of ways to create audio fades in LumaFusion, including:

  • Applying the Cross Dissolve transition to an audio clip. Add the transition to the start of the clip will create a fade-up.  Adding the transition to the end of the clip will create a fade-down, and of course adding the transition between two clips creates a cross-fade.  
  • Using the Video Cut/Audio Cross transition when you want to cut between the video clips, but fade the audio.
  • Keyframe audio levels:
  1. Open the clip in the Audio Editor
  2. Tap on the Add Keyframes button on the left and below the scrub bar.
  3. Use the Gain slider to adjust the audio level.
  4. Scrub to a new time, and adjust the audio level again to create a ramp between the first keyframe and the current one.

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