Why am I unable to access Google Drive in LumaFusion?

Due to certain changes with the integration, we've made the difficult decision to remove the Google Drive import/export source from LumaFusion. We understand that this may affect certain users, and we truly apologize for the inconvenience. For iOS users, we suggest downloading the Google Drive app for the following workflows:

Import: Select the Import Media button, then Files (This will be Finder on Macs). Google Drive will be accessible on the sidebar.

Export: Select the Share & AirDrop export destination in LumaFusion. After the export is done writing, select Google Drive from the share sheet. Alternatively, select Save To Files, then choose Google Drive on the sidebar. Mac users can also use the Finder export destination, then select Google Drive from the dropdown.

If you do not see Google Drive on the sidebar in Files/Finder, you'll need to edit the view to make it available. On iPhones and iPads, select the three dots (at the top of the sidebar), then Edit Sidebar. For Mac users, please see the following Apple support page: Customize the Finder sidebar on Mac

We will be working on solutions for Android users to make this more convenient.

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